Experience Matters

Acts 11:15 -17 And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning. 16 Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. 17 Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God? 18 When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.

Experience Matters

The want ad read, “Mechanic Needed. Knowledge of general engine repair, starting systems, exhaust systems, and electrical systems. Experience wanted.” The employer was stating that he had good job for someone, but they had to have previous experience in doing the work. Mr. Jeff Fluhr, president of a new method of hiring, (video conferencing with applicants), believes experience is over-rated. He was also CEO of the highly successful internet ticket selling web-sight – Stub-hub. He believes that many more important factors of the job applicant are important. For example, he likes to hire inexperienced people who have qualities that are successful in any job settings for instance those who promote good team chemistry, have a likeable personality, display a high level of optimism, display a above-average creativity, and/or show great intellect. These intangibles are far more valuable, in his opinion, than previous experience in the field. Yet, other experts disagree on the wealth of previous experience.

Luke in his authoring of the early church clearly displays that Peter relayed based on his previous experience that the Gentiles too had experienced the same thing that the early founding fathers of the church had. He repeats the phrase “as on us”, or “the like gift as he did unto us”.  The early disciples knew Peter understood what had happened to all of them in the beginning and were confident that he was a ready expert as to the Gentiles experience.  Because of that like experience, the early church then had credible evidence that God was pouring out the same things that they had experienced. Their confidence swelled, and misgivings fell away immediately.

When does experience matter? Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers, a book on employment, states it matters in three key areas. First, it when an expert is needed, the rule of ten thousand applies. Experts are not newbies, but rather people who have had the same experience ten thousand times. One should have greater confidence in Jesus, because the evidence is overwhelming. Especially in this area. Paul in Romans 4:21 states “And being fully persuaded that, what He had promised, He was also able to perform.” If one has been around the people of God, they are giving the personal experience of a God who regularly, faithfully, and dutifully demonstrates His experience of creating solutions, demonstrating His power, and solving one’s problems. Every day He raises the sun -up, puts the moon in the midnight sky, and spins the Earth about its axis. He daily feeds every wild animal, every fish, and controls the wind, the waves, the sea, and the rivers. The evidence of His experience matters.

Secondly, experience matters when one wants to predict the future. It serves as a roadmap what can take place from here forward. When someone has renovated a disheveled building, framed a new house, or restored order to a chaotic work environment, that life experience is a well from which a repeat performance can be demonstrated.  Paul explained that in 2 Corinthians 9:8, when he stated, “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work;” If God every healed one’s body, delivered one from difficult life dilemmas, or liberated one from unbreakable bondage, it gives us confidence, hope, and faith that He can do it again.

Lastly, experience matters, when it is personal.  One cares more intensely about experience when it’s your son or daughter, or your business, or your home.  Let someone else be the surgeons first surgery. Let some other client be the first court case if it means years in prison. Let some other mechanic fix the car, but when it’s my brakes, engine, or transmission, only the best, experienced mechanic will do. Our preference is clear when one’s interest are at stake. We want only experienced experts.

What is your problem, issue, or circumstance? Is it something God has fixed in the past?


In your personal life, what are the miracles, providence of God, or sufficiency of His power that you have seen?


How can you express greater confidence and faith that God can solve your personal situation?