An Unfading Crown

I Corinthian 9:24-25

Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. 25 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. KJV

Every generation has a similar struggle, when it comes to investments. What can I put my money into that will produce a nice nest egg when I get ready to retire?  Some choose life insurance, stocks and/or bonds, while others choose gold, silver, or diamonds. Some choose buildings, land, and/or businesses.  Each individual gets to make individual chooses that can make a long term impact on resources later in life. From the time one is twenty, to the time one is sixty-five, often the financial choices one makes can impact the quality of life, as well as the quantity of saving one has to use. Compound it with years when family is young,  or financial valleys or troughs occur, the choices can swing wildly. Of the many regrets that come with the senior seasons, is lost opportunity. For example, if in 1971, a 20-year-old person saves $20 a week ($1,040) a year, by the time they reach 65 in 2016, they will have saved $46,800 in principal. What compounds that savings though is the interest and/or dividends they receive through the years. For example, a savings interest of 1%, would yield $58,740 in the savings account.  A life insurance policy yielding 6% would yield, a value of $221,253. A stock fund, that averages 13%, would produce a whopping $1,949,131.  The power of interest overtime produces regular substantial outcomes. Unfortunately, most 20-year-olds, don’t put twenty dollars a week into an investment plan. In fact, the United States savings rate, has been in steady decline for decades. In 1959, it was 11.8% of personal income.  As of August of 2016, it was closer to 5.7% of disposable income. In fact, some economists who worry of the future, see due to student debt, credit card debt, mortgage debt, car debt, and regular consumer debt, the rate might be closer to 1% or even negative.

When Jesus spoke to His disciples, He spoke of a different kind of long term savings program. It was a life-long investing in the kingdom of Heaven. In Matthew 6: 19-21. He stated, Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” That unfading crown was what Paul was speaking of, when called for incorruptible crown. In another section of Scripture, another disciple, Peter, said each believer should pursue an unfading crown.  “And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” (KJV I Peter 5:4).  So how does that work?  How do we lay up treasures in Heaven? What does Heaven treasure? As part of one’s life regular assignment, one should be steadily, day by day, and year after year invest in heavenly treasure. If man can compound the interest and turn twenty dollars a week into $1,949,131, what can God do with a life time of giving?

Heaven has a value system that is so far different that our worlds. Heaven values obedience, righteousness, peace, and loving God. When one treasure activities that fulfill those principals, one can lay up Kingdom blessings. For example, in Revelation 5:8, 8:3-4, God stored up Saints prayers. Someplace, God has storerooms full of the Church’s prayers for children, parents, missionaries, pastors, and needs of brothers and sisters. Also, Heaven stores up tears, David spoke tears in a bottle of in Psalm 56:8.  When one considers of the shared tears of joy and sorrows over a lifetime, how big is that bottle? Included in a collection of Heaven’s treasure are the acts that are meant to relieve the suffering of those one meets in life. Jesus said, in Mark 9:41, “ For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.”  Every Christian should start a Heavenly savings program. It’s a crown that will not fade away.

  • What are you personally investing in that reflects a “heavenly” savings program?
  • How can I pray daily that would be worthy of God saving my prayers?
  • What acts can I do, like a cup of water, to a child, an apostle, or to a fellow saint, that God would take notice of?